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Diego Armando Maradona: 115 scores with SSC Napoli.
From 22 August 1984 (1 goal, with the Arezzo) to 24 March 1991 (115 th goal, with Sampdoria), in its 7 years in Naples, the greatest footballer of all time sets the record of scoring in games officers for SSC Napoli.
This record can not be beaten easily short: the only player who could do it, Marek Hamsik, will try in the coming years to undermine this record. For the strong bond with the team and the city, it certainly deserves.

These are the details of Maradona's goals:

Season Serie A Italian Cup Uefa Cup Champions Cup Total
1984-1985 14 3     17
1985-1986 11 2     13
1986-1987 10 7     17
1987-1988 15 6     21
1988-1989 9 7 3   19
1989-1990 16 2     18
1990-1991 6 2   2 10
  81 scores 29 scores 3 scores 2 scores 115 scores

Click here for all matches in which Diego has scored.

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NapoliTube - SSC Napoli Videoencyclopedia from 1926 to 2016 - site map. Page updated on: 30/12/2015 12:06:06
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